Ergo Exergy - UCG

Frequently Asked Questions

(Top 10 in the order of frequency).

1. We are interested in buying stock. Is Ergo Exergy publicly traded?

Ergo Exergy is privately owned. You may want to invest in one of our εUCG™ projects.

2. We have access to a coal lease/deposit. Is it suitable for εUCG?

The answer can be provided only as a result of a study. Please contact us with information on your coal deposit and your company.

3. How does the cost of εUCG syngas compare with natural gas, CBM, oil or coal?

Please see the Why εUCG? section.

4. Is εUCG environmentally safe?

Please see the εUCG & The Environment section.

5. What chemical products can be made from εUCG syngas?

The products include liquid automotive fuels, synthetic natural gas, ammonia, methanol, dimethyl ether, ethanol and many others.

6. Can a standard gas turbine run on εUCG syngas?

Please see the εUCG & Power Generation section.

7. Can εUCG syngas be used for gas-to-liquid conversion into clean automotive fuels?

Yes. Our syngas has been proven to produce liquid hydrocarbons in the Fischer-Tropsch process.

8. Can εUCG be applied to the coal seams under a lake/national park/city or off-shore?

The answer can be provided only as a result of a specific study. Please contact us with information on your coal deposit and your company.

9. How would the use of εUCG affect global warming?

Please see the εUCG & Greenhouse Effect section.

10. Is εUCG syngas a pipeline-quality gas?

No. Along with methane, our gas contains hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and some other gases.

© 2023 Ergo Exergy